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■ Concursul ”Romeo și Julieta la Mizil”, Ediția a XVIII-a, 2024-2025, Mizil
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The freedom of the leaf poezie [ ]
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - de Vavila Popovici [Vavila ]
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You want the freedom of the leaf,
its power
to reveal and color
in the green of hope;
to call the warm rays of the sun
and happy raindrops,
to her sweet delight!
The freedom and generosity of the leaf to wish it,
its power
to get rid of the rigid wood of the tree,
and, to give to the earth as food.
You want the freedom of the leaf!
The green of hope with open arms to receive him,
and to the earth you fearlessly give yourself.