Pagina: 1
Noapte de vară
: Poezie 2006-09-23 (3225 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-09-15 (3607 afişări)
De dragul nebuniei...
: Poezie 2006-08-24 (2649 afişări)
Trei cai
: Poezie 2006-08-21 (3293 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-08-21 (3291 afişări)
Pasăre călătoare
: Poezie 2006-08-21 (2221 afişări)
Cerul sufletului meu
: Poezie 2006-08-14 (3185 afişări)
: Poezie 2006-08-13 (3367 afişări)
Pagina: 1 |
Pagina: 2 : 1
Atenție, e păcat!
Muza e de vină!
Graba, bat-o vina!
De ce așa?
Petre, Rodica și Cristalele
Good point!
Alături de Marele Moromete
Din nou despre apă
Mulțumesc, chiar mă interesa subiectul!
Călătorie eternă
Superbă, dar...
Ceva mai târziu...
Și le-ai prins?
Pagina: 2 : 1

Biografie Serban Stanescu
I've been born on June 11, 1959 in Bucharest. I graduated in 1978 chemistry high school from Bucharest, called Costin D. Nenitescu. In 1988 I graduated the Techincal University of Bucharest, Metallurgy - Forging & Heat Treatments. In 1995 I've reconsidered my career plans and headed to IT&C. In 1997 I graduated my first master in Computers- Databases. In 2007, I finished the second master in Computers & IT.
I like writing. I'm doing that since I was 10, and I just couldn't get rid of this "habit".
I haven't published anything until august 2006, and I decided to start on the Internet. As for the others, I'm a common person, with my "lows" and "hights", like anyone else...
I've published my first book, in Romanian, "Inner Rhythms" in april 2007. I'm also writing and publishing on several sites and blogs.
Published books:
"Ritmuri Interioare", 2008, ISBN 978-973-87654-6-7;
"Autodezvoltare, Ocultism, Extrasenzorial", 2009 ISBN 978-973-0-07327-0;
"Casa și Familia", 2009, ISBN 978-973-0-07328-7-0;
"Libera Circulație a Valorilor - LCV" - Online edition;
"Cum să faci bani" - Online edition;
"Schimbul de valori" - Online edition;
"Am învățat" - Online edition;
"Protecția PC" - Online edition;
"Ghidul Autodidactului Online" - Online edition;
"Analiza spectrală biorezonantă" - Online edition;
I have also been published in mr. Petre Andrei Fluerașu's online ebook (magazine) called "Arcada"
Who wants to find out more about me, please, visit my account:
and my site:
Messenger sserbanro[at]
PS: I also got another strange hobby. I like playing my keyboards, an Yamaha PSR 290 sequencer. I have no musical knowledge though...
However, in 2007, I managed to relesase my first CD, "Masters Of The Light".