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Paradoxismul in stiinta
eseu [ ]

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de [smarand ]

2004-02-18  |     | 

Paradoxismul se intampla in mod natural, nu este o
fortare, o falsificare. Nici o alta avangarda literara nu s-a intamplat sa fie folosita in stiinta.

Sa dau un exemplu din cibernetica, robotica, privind fuziunea informatiei de pilda. Robotii dispun de sensori care transmit informatii ce trebuiesc prelucrate, insa de multe ori aceste informatii sunt contradictorii, conflictuale; fuzionarea acestor informatii contradictorii (care este de fapt paradoxismul in stiinta) era o problema pentru vechile teorii Dempsetr-Shaffer, Dubois-Prade,
Smets, Yager, Zadeh (multimile fuzzy), etc. Robotul trebuie sa fuzioneze/prelucreze/interpreteze aceste informatii conflictuale si sa ia singur o decizie. Aici se utilizeaza si paradoxismul.
Aplicatiile militare includ tragerea si directionarea unui proiectil la tinta (care este dirijat datorita sensorilor sai), ori prelucrarea imaginilor din satelit, etc.

[Pentru necredinciosi, ori denigratori ai paradoxismului, pot pune la dispozitie si articolele matematice de folosire a paradoxismului pe care s-a intamplat sa le prezint la Conferinta Internationala din Australia asupra Fuziunii Informatiei chiar vara aceasta, intre 8-11 iulie, unde am organizat o sectiune speciala asupra fuziunii
informatiilor paradoxiste impreuna cu cercetatorul francez Dr. Jean Dezert de la Office Nationale d'Etablishment et Recherches Aeronautiques (ONERA) din Paris - cand ii spusesem acestui simpatic Bufnila ca nu voi raspunde la mesaje pentru o perioada.]

Fara sa mai vorbesc despre comentarea si definirea paradoxismului in reviste internationale stiintifice, precum "Sciences et Avenir" din Paris (No. 135, Juin-Juillet 2003, p. 54), unde exista si o nota de
1/2 pagina intitulata "La figure du paradoxisme" de Noemi Pizarosso. De altfel intregul numar este dedicat paradoxurilor in stiinta (matematica, fizica, economie, filozofie), care nu pot fi negate. Ele EXISTA.
Analog in revista internationala americana “Multiple Valued Logic”, unde s-a publicat en articol de C. Le privind originea si trasaturile paradoxismulei, June 2002, Vol. 8, No. 3, “Preambule to neutrosophy and neutrosophic logic”.

Apelez la stiinta, pentru ca literatura este privita derizoriu in multe cercuri, iar in Occident ce sa mai vorbim! Un scriitor nu poate trai din scris aici (doar 2-3% dintre ei), iar universitatea mea nu m-ar sponsoriza sa merg la o conferinta de literatura, dar la cele
stiintifice m-a sponsorizat de nenumarate ori (chiar si-n China, de pilda, anul trecut).

Desigur, nimeni nu il obliga pe Gheracostea sa accepte acest termen, dar paradoxismul se manifesta in stiinta si in literatura indiferent de vointa lui sau a mea.
In literatura apare si-n folclor:
"Cand o face plopul pere / Si rachita micsunele",
"Inalt ca o prajina / Si prost ca o gaina",
etc. (proverbe, zicatori, aforisme, distihuri).

Redau textul in engleza, nu mai am timp de traducere, dar observ ca multi pe Internet stapanesc aceasta limba.


An international conference dedicated to the use of paradoxism in science, called "Applications of Plausible, Paradoxical, and Neutrosophic Reasoning for Information Fusion" is being organized by Dr. Jean Dezert from Office National de l'Établissement des Recherches Aéronautiques in Paris, France, and Dr. Florentin Smarandache from the University of New Mexico, USA, on 8-11 July 2003, at Radisson Hotel, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
The processing of uncertain information has always been a hot topic of research since the 18th century and deep theoretical advances have been obtained for the theory of probability theory and statistics.
During the second half of the 20th century, several new and
interesting mathematical theories have emerged in parallel with the development of computer science and technology in order to combine many types of information (fuzzy, uncertain, imprecise, etc.) provided by different sources (human expertise, sensor measurements, AI expert systems, neural network, quantum theory, economics predictions). The problem of combination of such diverse information is very difficult and is great challenge for all researchers working in this field. The information fusion is very important in many fields of applications and particularly in all modern defense systems. Up to now, the principal theories available for data fusion are the axiomatic probability theory (Kolmogorov 1933), the fuzzy set
theory (Zadeh 1965), the possibility theory (Dubois and Prade 1985) and the theory of evidence developed by G. Shafer in 1976.
Only recently, in 1995, Dr. Smarandache has introduced in philosophy the notion of 'neutrosophy', as a generalization of Hegel's dialectic, which is the basement of his researches in mathematics and economics, such as 'neutrosophic logic', 'neutrosophic set', 'neutrosophic probability', and 'neutrosophic statistics' (1995-
2002). Neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy that studies the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra. Neutrosophic Logic is a logic in which each proposition is estimated to have the percentage of truth in a subset T, the percentage of indeterminacy in a subset I, and the percentage of falsity in a subset F, where T, I,
F are standard or non-standard intervals included in
]-0, 1+[.
There is no boundary restriction on sup(T)+sup(I)+sup(F), neither on inf(T)+inf(I)+inf(F), which leave room for the fusion of incomplete and respectively paraconsistent information too. Dr. Smarandache also defined the neutrosophic logic connectors. Neutrosophic Logic
is a generalization of the fuzzy logic (especially of IFL),
intuitionistic logic (which supports incomplete theories),
paraconsistent logic (which deals with paraconsistent information), dialetheism (which says that some contradictions are true), faillibilism (which asserts that uncertainty/indeterminacy belongs to every proposition), etc. and tries to unify all existing logics in a
common mathematical framework. In neutrosophic logic it is possible to characterize contradictions, antitheses, antinomies, paradoxes (while in the fuzzy logic it was not), and to distinguish between relative, and respectively, absolute truth. Similarly, Dr.
Smarandache proposed an extension of the classical probability and the imprecise probability to the 'neutrosophic probability', that he defined as a tridimensional vector whose components are subsets of
the non-standard interval ]-0, 1+[. Also, he generalized the fuzzy set to the 'neutrosophic set' (and its derivatives: 'intuitionistic set', 'paraconsistent set', 'dialetheist set', 'paradoxist set', 'tautological set') and defined the neutrosophic set operators.
In parallel, Dr. Jean Dezert has developed a new theory for plausible and paradoxical reasoning that can be interpreted as a generalization of the Dempster-Shafer Theory. The neutrosophical information processing can be regarded as a prelude to the plausible and paradoxical inference developed in the DSmT, acronym for Dezert-Smarandache Theory - as called by researchers. It has been recently
proved that the DSmT is able to correctly solve many problems where the classical Dempster-Shafer theory fails. The main idea of the DSmT is basically not to accept the third exclude principle and to deal directly in the formalism with the possible paradoxical, inconsistent (and even incomplete or redundant) nature of the information. Doing this, the DSmT allows us to get easily results
without approximations or requirement of heuristics for combining any sources of information (even for those appearing as in full contradiction).
Details about neutrosophic logic, and how Smarandache generalized paradoxism to neutrosophy and DSmT, can be found in following free e-books available at:
The goal of this international conference is to present and discuss theoretical advances in neutrosophic logic and DSmT, together with applications in information fusion especially of paradoxist information. The session will focus on fundamental aspects of processing of uncertain and paradoxical information, architecture of intelligent hybrid systems, and applications of DSmT to solution of
military as well as non-military problems.

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