Biografie Xavier Villaurrutia
Xavier Villaurrutia (1903-1950) este un poet mexican cu debut timpuriu, integrat grupului Contemporaneos. Dincolo de accentele romantice și de rigoarea intelectuală, specifică acelui grup, rămâne poetul "nocturnelor", îndatorat într-o oarecare măsură suprarealismului.
Opera poetică:
* Primeros poemas (Primele poeme), 1923
* Nocturnos (Nocturne), 1933
* Nostalgia de la muerte (Nostalgia morții), 1938
* Decima muerte y otros poemas no coleccionados (A zecea moarte și alte poeme needitate), 1941
* Canto a la primavera y otros poemas (Cântecul primăverii și alte poeme), 1948
* Obras (Opere), 1966
Xavier Villaurrutia y González (27 August 1903 – 31 December 1950) was a Mexican poet and playwright, whose most famous works are the short theatrical dramas, called Autos profanos, compiled in the work PoesÃa y teatro completos published in 1953.
Xavier Villaurrutia was born in Mexico City in 1903. He studied in the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria( National Preparatory School) and in the Escuela de Jurisprudencia (Jurisprudence School). During that time, he felt a certain affinity to writing so he decided to dedicate his life to writing literature.
In 1928 he joined the grupo de los Contemporáneos ( Contemporaries). In 1935, he received a scholarship to study in the Yale University where he studied Theatre. Returning to Mexico in 1937, he started working for the local newspaper "Letras de Mexico".
Alongside with Salvador Novo, they founded the magazine Ulises in 1927.
Villaurrutia's notable works include his poetic writings beginning with Reflejos in 1926 and Nocturnos in 1933. Villaurrutia's writing becomes darker in his later poetic works: Nostalgia de la muerte (literally meaning "Nostalgia of the dead") in 1938, and Décima muerte (literally "tenth death") in 1941. It is unclear if this change was due to the increase turmoil in Europe that would lead to World War II or simply due to Villaurrutia's increasing age. The preoccupation with death in Villaurrutia's work would climax with his 1941 with his play Invitación a la muerte, the title of which can be literally translated to "Invitation to the death" (see "References" below regarding Dr. Raymond Marion Watkins's book which chronicles a history and analysis of this play, which Watkins demonstrates was heavily influenced by Villaurrutia's integration of dramatic elements traceable to William Shakespeare's "Hamlet.") The final published work of Villaurrutia would come posthumously in 1953 with the publication of PoesÃa y teatro completos a collection of his works which included the short theatrical dramas, Autos profanos.
Xavier Villaurrutia was greatly influenced by the work of Ramón López Velarde as well as by several other Mexican poets, in particular Alà Chumacero.
Since 1955 there has been a Xavier Villaurrutia Award for literary works published in Mexico, selected by a jury of writers. This award has been sponsored by the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes since 1991