Pagina: 2 : 1
Acel om...
: "Statui in luna" Poezie 2008-02-03 (9318 afişări)
Ani si varste
: "Statui in luna",1960-1977 Poezie 2008-02-03 (9136 afişări)
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Pagina: 2 : 1 |

Biografie Geo Bogza
Geo Bogza s-a născut la 6 februarie 1908, la Blejoi lângă Ploiești, ca fiu al lui Alexandru Bozga și frate mai mare al lui Nicolae Bogza, numele adevărat al scriitorului Radu Tudoran.
Geo Bogza a fost poet, reporter, creator al reportajului literar românesc, teoretician al avangardei, autor al câtorva din textele ei definitorii (Urmuz, Exasperarea creatoare, Reabilitarea visului), poet de mare întindere, de la "ciorchinul de negi" al Jurnalului de sex la recea și solemna puritate a lui Orion, ziarist de curajoasă și consecventă atitudine democratică, patriotică, umanistă (Anii împotrivirii (1953), Pagini contemporane, Paznic de far), reporter al unor lumi, țări, priveliști, meridiane devenite componente ale unui univers particular, specific scriitorului, prozator al opulenței tâmpe (Înmormântări) și al plictisului exasperant provincial (O sută șaptezeci și cinci de minute la Mizil), al destinului individual tragic, sub semnul dorinței de înavuțire (Cum a înnebunit regele petrolului), al absurdului (Moartea lui Iacob Onisia), cântăreț, de amplitudine whitmaniană, al neamului din Carpați (Cartea Oltului).
Geo Bogza adaugă literaturii naționale un nume, o operă și un stil, evidente și inconfundabile.
Moare la 14 septembrie 1993, în București, la un an după fratele său, scriitorul Radu Tudoran.
Geo Bogza (born Gheorghe Bogza; February 6, 1908-September 14, 1993) was a Romanian avant-garde theorist, poet, and journalist, known for his left-wing and communist political convictions. As a young man in the interwar period, he was known as a rebel and was one of the most influential Romanian Surrealists. Several of his controversial poems twice led to his imprisonment on grounds of obscenity, and saw him partake in the conflict between young and old Romanian writers, as well as in the confrontation between the avant-garde and the far right. At a later stage, Bogza won acclaim for his many and accomplished reportage pieces, being one of the first to cultivate the genre in Romanian literature, and using it as a venue for social criticism.
After the establishment of Communist Romania, Bogza adapted his style to Socialist realism, and became one of the most important literary figures to have serviced the government. With time, he became a subtle critic of the regime, especially under the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu, when he adopted a dissident position. Beginning in the late 1960s, he publicized his uncomfortable attitudes as subtext to apparently innocent articles and essays. An editor for Viața Românească and România Literară magazines, Geo Bogza was one of the leaders of the Romanian Writers' Union and a member of the Romanian Academy.
He was the older brother of Radu Tudoran, himself a known writer, whose political choices were in stark contrast with those of Geo Bogza, and made Tudoran the object of communist persecution. Bogza had lifelong contacts with some representatives of the Romanian avant-garde, among them Victor Brauner, Max Blecher, Sesto Pals, Sașa Pană and Paul Păun, and was friends with, among others, the essayist and theologian Nicolae Steinhardt, the dissident Gheorghe Ursu and the filmmaker Mircea Săucan.