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 =  comorile budismului tibetan
carmen mihaela visalon
[23.Nov.05 19:46]
in seara aceea l-am intalnit pe R.G.
purta un zambet magnetic
cealalta, femeie, celalta femeie, sunt si nu sunt eu
daca nu crezi intreba-l pe omul venit din Tibet
el e bogat
el imi zambeste si mie si umbrei
la trecerea nostra prin raul de foc
smulgere de chip si de aripi
smulgere de aripi si chip
inclestare a eului
de fusta pribega-a iluziei

P.S."The need for simple human-to-human relationships is becoming increasingly urgent . . . Today the world is smaller and more interdependent. One nation's problems can no longer be solved by itself completely. Thus, without a sense of universal responsibility, our very survival becomes threatened. Basically, universal responsibility is feeling for other people's suffering just as we feel our own. It is the realization that even our enemy is entirely motivated by the quest for happiness. We must recognize that all beings want the same thing that we want. This is the way to achieve a true understanding, unfettered by artificial consideration."
Discurs la decernarea premiului Nobel, 1989

eu umblu pe jos
suntem mai multe umbre surori
trecem una prin alta ne smulgem chipul una alteia
și rădăcinile și brațele cu care il iubim.
în numele lui botezate Cealaltă femeie
Amin. el e bogat
poartă ascunse toate jumătățile rupte din mine.
și numele meu numele meu.

Am voie sa zambesc vazand cate comori ascunzi:), si sa-ti multumesc pentru informatie.

 =  acceptance speech
maria balan
[24.Nov.05 08:20]
dear Carmen, Brothers and Sisters,

I am very happy to be here with you today to receive the Prize for Universal Understanding of Suffering.I feel honoured and deeply moved that you should give this important prize to a simple woman without name.
I accept the prize with profound gratitude on behalf of the
'other women'.

 =  Centre Pompidou en 1996…
carmen mihaela visalon
[24.Nov.05 10:19]
Eva Nobel pe care o vom numi generic- celelalte femei, Maria, ou “premier domicile connu”-portre dans ces main les clef d’OR – “la vie intérieure des Bouddha, trésors caches”, une livre de Rodolphe Gombergh: “A mi-chemin entre Création, Patrimoine et Recherche, cette nouvelle approche se veut nouvelle vision. La démarche poétique et ludique révèle la vie intérieure des Bouddhas rapportés par Charles Varat en 1888 au cours d’une mission réalisée pour le compte du Ministère français de l’Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, une mission qui voulait faire comprendre, en France et en Europe, la culture et l’identité coréenne. L’ensemble exceptionnel de statuaire conservé à Paris, s’échelonnant de la période Koryo (11ème-12ème siècles) jusqu’à l’époque Choson (fin du 18ème siècle), a permis un corpus d’une extrême cohérence pour des recherches où se marient à travers des images d’une beauté stupéfiante Art, Science et Créativité.”
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 =  premier domicile connu
maria balan
[24.Nov.05 11:46]
o cabana si o ceasca de ceai! si sa vina cineva sa-mi puna bratele la loc, sa-nvarta cheita si sa dea drumul la ninsoare. vreau sa-mi vad urmele albe...

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